The Nationals create history with Agriculture Visa

The Hon Barnaby Joyce MP Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development   The Hon David Littleproud MP Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia     The Nationals create history with Agriculture Visa   The Nationals have delivered a vital agriculture visa to help secure the future of rural and regional Australia.…


The Federal President of The Nationals Kay Hull AO has today congratulated The Hon Barnaby Joyce on his election as the Leader of The Nationals and has recognised the incredible service that The Hon Michael McCormack has provided during his time as Leader. “It is a great honour to be elected to the leadership of…

BUDGET 2021 – Securing the future of Veteran welfare and support

The Liberal and Nationals Government is continuing to invest in a world-class support system for veterans and their families as part of our plan to secure Australia’s future, with a focus on wellbeing, suicide prevention and more funding for critical departmental services to ensure veterans can continue their meaningful contribution to our nation. Minister for…

BUDGET 2021 – Infrastructure investment securing Australia’s Economic recovery

The Morrison-McCormack Government is securing Australia’s recovery with a record investment in infrastructure as part of the 2021-22 Budget, which will support and secure jobs, drive growth and help rebuild Australia’s economy from the COVID-19 pandemic. This $110 billion, 10-year infrastructure pipeline forms part of our Economic Recovery Plan and will secure Australia’s world-leading economic…

BUDGET 2021 – Boosting jobs and maximising growth to secure Australia’s recovery

  Boosting jobs and maximising growth to secure Australia’s recovery The Morrison-McCormack Government will maximise long-term economic opportunities and job creation to secure Australia’s recovery, by expanding the nation’s resources sector and prioritising development of northern Australia. Minister for Resources, Water and Northern Australia Keith Pitt said new measures in the 2021-22 Budget will build…


Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Leader of The Nationals Federal Member for Riverina MEDIA STATEMENT RETIREMENT OF GEORGE CHRISTENSEN MP George Christensen has been a tireless fighter for the people of Dawson and central Queensland and his decision not to contest the next election and retire from the Australian Parliament…


The Federal Executive of The Nationals have paid tribute to The Right Honourable Doug Anthony AC, CH who passed away earlier today. As the Member for Richmond, the Leader of The Nationals and Deputy Prime Minister, Doug Anthony epitomised the values of the former Country Party and current Nationals through a thorough understanding of the…

Budget 2020: Ministerial Statement on Rural and Regional Budget Outcomes

BUDGET 2020: Ministerial Statement on Rural and Regional Budget Outcomes Mr Speaker, Our Government has stood with regional Australia through its most difficult times. We will stand with them as we face the COVID recession. Australia’s regions have always supported the growth of our nation. This address reflects the Morrison-McCormack Government’s view that a thriving…

BUDGET 2020: The Nationals In Government Deliver for Regional Australia

The Nationals in Government will continue supporting job-creating, economy-boosting infrastructure, as part of our Economic Recovery Plan for Australia, rebuilding our economy to secure regional and rural Australia’s future. The Nationals in Government are delivering a record $110 billion transport infrastructure program and $3.5 billion rolling water infrastructure fund to support local jobs and businesses…