The Nationals Parliamentary Party

In Federal Parliament, The Nationals’ Parliamentary Party comprises all those Nationals elected to the House of Representatives and the Senate. It includes The Nationals MPs and Senators of Queensland who were elected at the last federal election and now belong to the recently merged Liberal National Party of Queensland (LNP). It also includes elected Members or Senator from the Northern Territory Country Liberals (CLP) who choose to sit as a member of The Nationals Parliamentary Party in the Federal Parliament.

In State Parliament, The Nationals’ Parliamentary Party comprises the elected Members of Parliament to the Legislative Assembly and Members of the Legislative Council (Upper House). The exceptions are Queensland and the two Territories (Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory) which have a unicameral legislature; ie. only one Parliamentary chamber.

The respective Nationals’ Parliamentary Parties maintain their own operating and meeting procedures and elect their own office bearers, including their Parliamentary Leader and Deputy Leader.

Meet The Nationals Federal Parliamentary Party Here


Meet The Nationals State Parliamentary Party

New South Wales South Australia
Northern Territory Victoria
Queensland Western Australia