Sue Gilroy

Nationals Candidate for Hunter

Sue is the Nationals candidate for Hunter.

Sue is an experienced leader with a background in health, where she worked as a registered nurse, as well as business development and the resources industry.

She served as President of the Singleton Business Chamber for six years, working closely with the local business community across the Hunter Valley. She is also the founder of business coaching company, Cultivate Confident Cultures.

“This region is much more than just where I live—it’s where my heart is. My deep connections to the Hunter have shaped who I am and fuelled my dedication to its people,” Ms Gilroy said.

Ms Gilroy said the cost-of-living is the number one local issue.

“Across the region, I continue to hear from families and small businesses who are struggling to keep the doors open and food on the table,” Ms Gilroy said.

NSW Nationals’ Chair Rick Colless said Sue is exactly the sort of representative the people of Hunter need.

“Sue is someone who knows how to get things done, and someone who’ll do the work.”

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Sue Gilroy
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We believe the future of regional Australia is critical to the future of our nation.

Our priorities are building stronger regional economies and secure communities, delivering opportunity and prosperity for all regional Australians, and ensuring a sustainable environment.

Stronger, more secure, sustainable local communities that provide the opportunity for everyone to prosper will deliver a stronger, more secure and sustainable nation.

The Nationals commitment to the national interest does not stop there. The Nationals provide a considered and common sense perspective on all elements of Government policy and a balance between Australia’s political extremes.

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