Pat Conaghan MP

Federal Member for Cowper

Pat is the Shadow Assistant Minister for Social Services, Shadow Assistant Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence and the Federal Member for Cowper.

I grew up in Kempsey on the Mid North Coast. The youngest of five children and the son of a local doctor, I learned the importance of caring for my community and helping those with health and social disadvantage challenges.

I’ve worked as a police officer, police prosecutor and solicitor for almost 30 years, and have a good understanding of the law and its importance to society. I’m passionate about representing this wonderful community in Parliament and will work tirelessly on important projects and issues.

I became a politician to work hard and see the residents of Cowper receive the services and support you need, whether it is an aged care package, getting help with the NDIS, or reducing red-tape to make business easier.

I want to see our region grow and prosper through the implementation of The Nationals’ plan for an even stronger economy, by building infrastructure, decentralising government services and delivering projects in regional and rural Australia.

I’m your voice in Canberra and can represent you or advocate on your behalf with Ministers and government decision-makers.

Connect with
Pat Conaghan

Port Macquarie Office
JBC Building Suite 1, Level 4,
41-47 Horton Street
Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Coffs Harbour Office
33/361 Harbour Drive
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

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Stand For

We believe the future of regional Australia is critical to the future of our nation.

Our priorities are building stronger regional economies and secure communities, delivering opportunity and prosperity for all regional Australians, and ensuring a sustainable environment.

Stronger, more secure, sustainable local communities that provide the opportunity for everyone to prosper will deliver a stronger, more secure and sustainable nation.

The Nationals commitment to the national interest does not stop there. The Nationals provide a considered and common sense perspective on all elements of Government policy and a balance between Australia’s political extremes.

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