I was born and raised in Wyalkatchem, and have lived in Northam for the past decade.
As a State Member of Parliament for 16 years I have fought hard for better services and infrastructure for my electorate, and a strong and prosperous WA. In this time I earned a reputation for hard work and common sense.
My commitment to Bullwinkel is the same: to improve infrastructure and services for our communities. I am passionate about making sure everyone has access to quality education, health, childcare and aged care services. I believe in supporting our small businesses, and the mining and agricultural sectors that underpin our economy.
I understand we need to care for our precious environment, taking care of our land and waterways now and into the future.
My goal is to continue fighting for a better future for every community in Bullwinkel.
If you want a Party that puts people and community before ideology and politics, vote National.
Our priorities are building stronger regional economies and secure communities, delivering opportunity and prosperity for all regional Australians, and ensuring a sustainable environment.
Stronger, more secure, sustainable local communities that provide the opportunity for everyone to prosper will deliver a stronger, more secure and sustainable nation.
The Nationals commitment to the national interest does not stop there. The Nationals provide a considered and common sense perspective on all elements of Government policy and a balance between Australia’s political extremes.