The Hon. Dr David Gillespie MP

Federal Member for Lyne

David is the Federal Member for Lyne.

David was elected to represent the Lyne electorate in the Australian Parliament on 7 September 2013.

David and his wife Charlotte have three children: Isabelle, Oliver and Alice. David and Charlotte have raised their family on their farm in the Hastings Valley, where they have run grass-fed Angus

Care in Practice

David graduated MB BS from University of Sydney in 1981 and Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP)in 1991.

As an undergraduate, he gained experience training both in Papua New Guinea and British Columbia.

David’s post graduate specialist training included stints at hospitals at Bathurst, Orange and Dubbo while based at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) in Sydney (1981-1982 and 1987-1990). David also gained two years of paediatric experience at Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children (RAHC) Camperdown (1983-84), St George Hospital (1991) and at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital (1992).

David obtained a Diploma of Anaesthetics (London) and Diploma of Child Health (UK) in 1986 after working in the UK NHS (1985-86).

In total David had 33 years of medical practice, including 21 years as specialist Gastroenterologist and Consultant Specialist Physician in Port Macquarie (1993 -2013).

David was active in Postgraduate Medical Training as Director of Physician training at Port Macquarie Base Hospital (1995 – 2009) and was instrumental in the Base Hospital achieving accreditation by Royal Australasian College of Physicians for Specialist Training and becoming a Centre for College Examinations.

David and Charlotte built, licensed and ran the Hastings Day Surgery in Port Macquarie for 12 years. David also lectured and tutored at UNSW Rural Medical School since its inception.

David uses his first-hand experience in public and privately managed health delivery and small business to ensure Australia’s health system delivers high quality cost-effective care in an affordable and fiscally sustainable manner.

David’s Vision for Lyne & Australia

David wants to see Australian business, particularly small business, released from unnecessary government red-tape and green-tape. David understands the complexity and pressures of primary production in Australia and works to ensure primary producers and processors receive equitable treatment by retailers under Australia’s consumer and competition laws.

Connect with
David Gillespie

Wauchope Office
Shops 2 & 3, 43 High Street
Wauchope NSW 2446

Taree Office
144 Victoria Street
Taree NSW 2430

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