Andrew Cripps

LNP Senate Candidate for Queensland

Andrew Cripp is an LNP Senate candidate for Queensland.

Andrew was born, raised and educated in the sugar and banana farming town of Tully in Far North Queensland. Later, he attended the University of Queensland in Brisbane, where he graduated with degrees in economics and political science.

Between 2018 and 2024, Andrew was a Hinchinbrook Shire Councillor in North Queensland.  Between 2020 and 2024, he served as Deputy Mayor, held the Finance and Corporate Services portfolio, was a member of Council’s Audit and Risk Committee and was Deputy Chair, Hinchinbrook Local Disaster Management Group.

Andrew previously served in the Queensland Parliament as the Member for Hinchinbrook between 2006 and 2017 and held a wide variety of shadow ministerial portfolios between 2008 and 2012 and between 2015 and 2017.

Andrew was also the Queensland Minister for Natural Resources and Mines in the LNP Government between 2012 and 2015.  During this time, Andrew pursued significant legislative and regulatory reforms in the areas of land, water and vegetation management and the management of Queensland’s mineral and energy resources.

In 2018, Andrew was appointed Chair of the Australian Government’s Resources 2030 Taskforce.  Also in 2018, Andrew established Front Row Advisory Services, consulting predominately on strategy and governance in the areas of agriculture, natural resource management, resources and regional economic and community development.  

Andrew is a Justice of the Peace and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.  He is currently a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Mission Beach Community Bank, a member of the Hinchinbrook Rotary Club, an Ingham Meals on Wheels volunteer and a proud supporter of the North Queensland Cowboys.

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Andrew Cripps
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