Tina Macfarlane

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Tina has a strong background and understanding in small business success and challenges in the Northern Territory.

Previously with her husband, Lindsay Tina ran their family businesses in regional NT, and more recently they own a small contracting business in Darwin.

Tina’s husband was born and bred in the Northern Territory and she has lived in the Territory for over 35 years. Together they have raised their now adult daughter in the Territory, where she continues to live and work as an Engineer with a local company. Tina’s commitments including working within Local Government along with engagement with the Chamber of Commerce, numerous and varied voluntary work and sponsorships, have given her wonderful insights and experience within the community.

Tina has been a highly active and engaged member of the Country Liberal Party for over 13 years. She feels privileged, energised and proud to be given this opportunity to represent the people of Darwin and Palmerston through exploring our possibilities, opportunities and the aspirations of all Territorians directly in the Federal Parliament.