The Hon. David Littleproud MP
Member for Maranoa
Leader of The Nationals
Wednesday 8th June 2022
The leader of the Nationals, David Littleproud has written to Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese and called for a National Energy Summit to find solutions to Australia’s long-term energy needs.
Mr Littleproud said the new political environment Mr Albanese has committed to, gives the opportunity to bring Australia’s leaders together for a constructive conversation about our energy sources, including new nuclear power technologies.
“The Nationals believe a broad conversation that looks at long-term agnostic, sustainable energy solutions, is needed in our country,” Mr Littleproud said.
“Small scale modular nuclear power should be included in that conversation as a source of reliable energy and a way of reducing the emissions.
“I stand ready to support the Prime Minister and leaders around the nation to have an evidence-based discussion about ways to solve our needs into the future that brings the broader community with us.
“A national energy summit that convened preeminent scientists, energy experts, economists as well as political leaders would be a positive contribution for policy development.
“While there has been opposition to nuclear energy within the community and most political parties, the Nationals believe that sentiment is changing with the emergence of innovative technologies.
“The Nationals are not advocating large scale nuclear power plants but want to explore the opportunities emerging technologies provide Australia.
“With the environment of a kinder, more constructive that the Prime Minister has committed to, the Nationals believe there is the opening for broader conversation about nuclear energy and an agnostic debate on all energy sources available to Australia.
“An energy summit would stimulate energy policy development.
“I encourage Prime Minister Albanese to convene a national energy summit, put nuclear power on the agenda and focus on the long-term energy solutions for our country.
Our priorities are building stronger regional economies and secure communities, delivering opportunity and prosperity for all regional Australians, and ensuring a sustainable environment.
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